Tuesday, September 6, 2011


September 8, 2011

Determined to fill a "void" in the global children's and family entertainment market, The DreamVision Company has attracted much attention domestically and internationally with the recent "sneak preview" of one their key elements, the DreamVision proprietary CGI animation creative technical methodology. With the premiere of the internationally award winning animated short "Hooked", DreamVision opened a door that appears to have been strategically designed to appeal to a core family audience with classic simple values and emotional basics that have been lost in recent animated offerings structured to appeal to a "wide demographic" profile.

With the assembly of what is being called one of the most powerful teams in "family entertainment" under the direction of former Executive VP Entertainment Disney worldwide and Disney Legend Ron Logan, the stage is set for a re-definition of the genre as it now exists within the industry. In a recent interview, DreamVision CEO and Chairman, Rick Silanskas said "it is my sole desire to return to the heart and soul of the man that inspired me from the time I was a child and that was Walt Disney". And from all indications, the initial preview offering from DreamVision seems to have struck a chord around the world that cannot be silenced.

With a clear and concise core brand philosophy that encompasses the bottom line base for success within the family entertainment industry inclusive of motion pictures, animation, music and theatrical, DreamVision may be just what the doctor ordered in a market that has definitely indicated a desire for high quality wholesome family entertainment with a return to the roots defined by Walt Disney himself.

The DreamVision Company will soon announce final plans for their new global studio center and animation facility to be located near Dallas, Texas.

copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Feet 2 On The Way

  Worth a look!: Gavin


Happy Feet 2 movie trailer
Cute alert! The adorable, dancing penguins are back for Happy Feet 2.
The teaser trailer, which was released on Thursday, shows the penguins singing and dancing to hits from LL Cool J and Justin Timberlake. Elijah Wood reprises his role as Mumble, who is now all grown up and raising a son of his own now. In the film, Mumble has a problem because his son Erik is reluctant to dance and runs away.
Watch the trailer and let us know what you think.

Other celebs lending their voices for the film include Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Robin Williams and Sofía Vergara. The 3D spectacle will hit theaters on November 18, 2011.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Copyright 2011  The DreamVision Company

September 1, 2011

Following the press statement interview on August 31, 2011 from DreamVision Chief Creative Officer, Ron Logan (http://vimeo.com/28423121), it was confirmed late today that The DreamVision Company will soon call the Dallas, Texas area their new home. The announcement followed expanded rumors over the past several months that DreamVision was considering re-locating their global studio headquarters including the award winning DreamVision Animation division currently located in South Africa.

During the past several weeks, The DreamVision Company has been the focus of expansive interest within the industry as their highly valued specific brand of "family entertainment" has captured the attention domestically and internationally with their acclaimed proprietary CGI animation creative technical methodology and impressive slate of animated featured length motion pictures, live action family dramas, Broadway shows, world music events, theme park and resort destination development and core brand infusion. Under the direction of Disney Legend, former Executive VP Entertainment Disney Worldwide and founder/first president of Disney Theatrical, Mr. Ron Logan and his team of classic Disney production talent, DreamVision is now clearly positioned to dramatically shift the children's entertainment marketplace. DreamVision CEO and Chairman, Rick Silanskas recently stated that he is dedicated to "a return to the core values and wholesome quality entertainment that Walt Disney himself defined which inspired me from the time I was a child".

copyright 2011 BNNC


This is extremely timely  Read carefully

Hollywood Rebounds
Recession Helps Box Office
by Glenn Stefano

Hollywood -- According to U.S. government reports, our economy has officially been in a recession since December 2007. That comes as no surprise to most of us, who have battled the day to day pains due to the crisis. Many industries have collapsed such as the auto and retail sectors. However, one unusual bright spot comes out of Southern California... Hollywood! The film industry is actually reversing its fortunes due to tough times, after years of erosion due to digital technology.

Historically the movie business has an upsurge in bad economic times, as people head to the theaters to escape from the daily headaches. Domestic box-office revenue went up in five of the past seven recession years dating to the 1960s, according to research compiled by the National Association of Theatre Owners.

While budget-conscious consumers in today's economic downturn may hold off buying that 50-inch plasma television, “it seems they can always pull together the money to go to the movies,” film historian and critic Leonard Maltin said. “They're not making a monthly commitment or a down payment. They're just shelling out the 10 bucks.”

Not only is going to the movies a release from the economic downturn, it is also an affordable guilty pleasure.
“Most people would believe that offers a very good value. It's certainly much cheaper than a psychiatrist,” said Dan Glickman, who heads the Motion Picture Association of America, Hollywood's top trade group. “To go into a darkened room where nobody can find you for two hours is great therapy, particularly when times are bad.”

Amid America's longest and bleakest economic bust in the 1930s, movie attendance tumbled initially as investment money for films dried up. But in the heart of the Depression from the early to late 1930s, attendance shot up. While detailed box-office figures were not released back then as they are today, as many as 4.6 billion movie tickets a year were sold in the 1930s – three times more than in the best year of modern times. And the U.S. population during the Depression was less than half of today's 300 million.

Some would go as far to say that the family friendly movie business is recession proof.
Studio executives note that during the Great Depression, when more than a quarter of the country was out of work, people still scraped together dimes to see the latest motion picture.